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信息来源:《法学》2018年第11期 发布日期:2019-02-20



  [1]参见《〈中国产业发展报告2016〉发布服务业占据半壁江山》,http://news.ifeng.com/a/20160527/48858941_0.shtml, 2018年6月29日访问。


  [3]参见《搜索条件法院观点:工资〉小费》,https://www.itslaw.com/bj, 2018年6月29日访问。


  [5]See Bryan A. Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary (9th Edition), West, 2009, p.1621.

  [6]See State of California Department of Industrial Relations “Tips and gratuities”, http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/faq_ tipsandgratuities.htm, last visit on July 23, 2018.

  [7]See Arizona State Minimum Wage, R20-5-1202-27, https://www.azica.gov/sites/default/files/media/062317%20Notice%20Proposed%20Supplemental%20Rulemaking.pdf, last visit on July 23, 2018.

  [8]See Chapter 9: Minimum Wage, http://delcode.delaware.gov/title19/c009/index.shtml, last visit on July 23, 2018.

  [9]See Article 12- Minimum Wage and Maximum Hours, http://kslegislature.org/li_2014/b2013_14/statute/044_000_0000_ chapter/044_012_0000_article/044_012_0002_section/044_012_0002_k/, last visit on July 23, 2018.

  [10]参见澳门特别行政区终审法院第58/2007号案判决书,第21页。参见http://www.court.gov.mo/sentence/zh-53590d027 b446.pdf, 2018年7月23日访问。该判决书引述ABíLIO NETO, Contrato de Trabalho, Notas Práticas, (Lisboa: Ediforum, 1997), 14th ed., pp.243-244.

  [11]同前注[10],第19页。该判决书引述JULIO VIEIRA GOMES, Direito do Trabalho, pp.769-770& Notes (1920).

  [12]同前注[5],Bryan A. Garner书,第1716页。

  [13]See ILO Protection of Wages Convention, 1949, Art.1.http://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C095, last visit on July 29, 2018.


  [15]See http://www.jil.go.jp/english/laws/documents/l.standards2012.pdf, last visit on July 29, 2018.

  [16]See Employment Rights Act 1996, s 27(1), http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/18/data.pdf, last visit on July 29, 2018.

  [17]参见https://www.mol.gov.tw/media/2687824/10%E5%8B%9E%E5%9F%BA%E6%B3%95plus%E5%8B%9E%E4%BF%D%E6%A2%9D%E4%BE%8B.pdf ,2018年7月29日访问。

  [18]参见http://images.io.gov.mo/bo/i/2008/33/lei-7-2008.pdf, 2018年7月29日访问。

  [19]See Section 2(1) of the Employment Ordinance of Hong Kong.



  [22]同前注[10],第13页。该判决书引述BERNARDO LOBO XAVIER, Curso de Direito do Trabalho, (Lisboa/San Paulo:Verbo, 1999), pp.367-368.

  [23]同前注[10],第14页。该判决书引述了上注,BERNARDO LOBO XAVIER书,第382页及以下;“Introdu??o ao estudo da retribui??o no direito do trabalho português”, Revista de Direito e Estudos Sociais, Vol.1(2), Januário - Mar?o, 1986, p.81-subsequent pages.

  [24]参见姜燕、苏建峰:《小费争议与终审法院裁决》,《澳门研究》2008年第45期;CóDIGO DO TRABALHO, Artigo 260.o, http://cite.gov.pt/asstscite/downloads/legislacao/CT25082016.pdf, last visit on July 29, 2018.


  [26]See Li Shuk Man v. Ho Wai Ling Rebecca, Unrep., HCA 5446/1996, [2000] HKEC 591.

  [27]See Lam Pik Shan v. Hong Kong Wing on Travel Service Ltd., [2007]4 HKC 531;[2008]3 HKC 578;(Unrep., FAMV 55/2008, [2009] HKEC 97).

  [28]See National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999, reg.30(a).

  [29]Ibid, reg.31(1)(a).

  [30]See Revenue and Customs v. Annabels (Berkeley Square) Ltd., UKEAT/0562/07/RN (13 June 2008).

  [31]See Guy Davidov, A Purposive Interpretation of the National Minimum Wage Act, 72 The Modern Law Review 581, 603(2009).

  [32]See The National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999(Amendment) Regulations 2009, reg.31(1)(e).

  [33]See Matthew W. Finkin, “The Kindness of Strangers”: The Tip and the Minimum Wage in France, Germany, and the United States, 32 The International Journal of Comparative Labor Law and Industrial Relations 3, 21(2016).


  [35]See Gloyd v. Hotel La Salle Co., 221 Ill. App.104(1921).

  [36]同前注[33],Matthew W. Finkin文,第25页。

  [37]See Williams v. Jacksonville Terminal Co., 315 U. S.386, 407(1942).

  [38]所谓“小费雇员”是指在惯常并定期收取小费的行业工作且每月收取小费的数额超过30美元的雇员。See FLSA §203.Definitions, 29 USCA§203.(2)(t), “Tipped employee” means any employee engaged in an occupation in which he customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips.

  [39] See Sylvia A. Allegretto and David Cooper, Twenty-three Years and Still Waiting for Change: Why It’s Time to Give Tipped Workers the Regular Minimum Wage, http://irle.berkeley.edu/files/2014/Twenty-Three-Years-and-Still-Waiting-for-Change.pdf, last visit on July 29, 2018.

  [40]See Rajesh D. Nayak and Paul K. Sonn, Restoring the Minimum Wage for America’s Tipped Workers, http://nelp.3cdn.net/bff44d5fafbd9d2175_vem6ivjjb.pdf, last visit on July 29, 2018.

  [41]See Felice Morgenstern, International Conflicts of Labor Law, International Labor Office, 1984, p.2.







  [48]参见澳门特别行政区立法会《劳动关系法》意见书,第200页,http://www.al.gov.mo/uploads/lei/leis/2008/07-2008/parecer_cn.pdf, 2018年7月30日访问。





  [53]See Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 23(3)“: It provides everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.” http://www.un.org/en/udhrbook/pdf/udhr_booklet_en_web.pdf, last visit on July 30, 2018.

  [54]See International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Article 7, http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/ProfessionalInterest/cescr.pdf, last visit on July 30, 2018.


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