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信息来源:《华东政法大学学报》2018年第5期 发布日期:2018-11-05

【注释】 *于立深,东南大学法学院教授,法学博士。本文系国家社科基金项目“行政相对人违法行为研究”(项目号14BFX147)、司法部2016年国家法治与法学理论研究项目“行政过程中的法定程序与正当程序研究”(项目号16SFB2016)及吉林大学廉政建设专题“政府责任清单制度和究责机制研究”(项目号2016LZZ003)的阶段性研究成果。
  [1]See City of Atlanta, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18, Animal, Sec.18-31.- Definitions.
  [2]参见“2016年中国宠物市场规模现状及发展趋势预测”,来源:http://www.chyxx.com/industry/201608/443836.html, 2017年8月25日访问。
  [3]See Justin F. Marceau, “Killing for Your Dog”, 83(3) George Washington Law Review 954(2015).
  [4]See Justin F. Marceau, “Killing for Your Dog”, 83(3)George Washington Law Review 952, 956(2015).
  [5]See “Pet Industry Market Size & Ownership Statistics”, http://www.americanpetproducts.org/press_industrytrends.asp, accessed August 30, 2018.
  [6]参见《2016年中国宠物行业现状分析及市场规模预测》,来源:http://www.chyxx.com/industry/201608/441035.html, 2017年8月20日访问。
  [7]See Justin F. Marceau, “Killing for Your Dog”, 83(3)George Washington Law Review 988, 989(2015).
  [8]See Rebecca F. Wisch and Diamond Conley, “Table of Dog Bite Strict Liability Statutes”, https://www.animallaw.info/topic/table-dog-bite-strict-liability-statutes., accessed August 20, 2017.
  [9]See Code of Georgia, Title 51. Torts. Chapter 2. Imputable Negligence.
  [10]See Municipal Code of Chicago, Chapter 7- Animal Care and Control, 7-12-020 Definitions.
  [11] See DeKalb County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5- Animals, Sec.5-1.- Definitions; Sec.14-32. Definitions; Sec. 14-40. Confiscation; extermination.
  [12] See DeKalb County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5- Animals, Sec.5-1.- Definitions; Sec.5-15.- Hazardous animals.
  [13]See DeKalb County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5- Animals, Sec.5-10.- Dangerous and vicious animals.
  [14]See DeKalb County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5- Animals, Sec.5-11.- Exemptions from classification as a dangerous or vicious animal.
  [15]See DeKalb County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5- Animals, Sec.5-13.- Confinement of dangerous or vicious animals; Sec.5-25.- Sterilization.; Sec.5-28.- Violations and enhanced penalties.
  [16]See Purdon’s Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes. Title 3. Agriculture. Chapter 8. Dogs. Dog Law; Title 34 Pa. C. S. A. Game. Chapter 23. Hunting and Furtaking. Subchapter E. Dogs Pursuing Game or Wildlife. Chapter 29. Special Licenses and Permits. Subchapter C. Permits Relating to Hunting Dogs, §459-501. Killing dogs; dogs as nuisances.
  [17]See “Membership: Step 1- Dog License”, http://www.beacondogpark.org/step-1-dog-license/rabies vaccination certificate, accessed August 15, 2017.
  [18]See “Animals and Pets Licensing”, https://www.clark.wa.gov/community-development/pet-licensing., accessed August 12, 2017.
  [19]See “How to License Your Dog”, http://www.henrietta.org/index.php/departments/town-clerk/dog-licenses-lost-dogs, accessed August 12, 2017.
  [20]See DeKalb County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5–Animals, Sec.5-17.- Rabies tag; rabies vaccination and animal registration.
  [21]See (1)“Animals and pets Licensing”, https://www.clark.wa.gov/community-development/pet-licensing;(2)“AC - Dog License, Dog License Information”, https://www.townofparadise.com/index.php/our-government/departments/animal-control/dog-license, accessed July 15, 2017.
  [22]See Dade County, A Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14, Animals, Sec.14-66. Inoculation; tags; Sec.14-67. Confinement; surrender of suspicious domestic pets; Sec.14-68. Notification; observation.
  [23]See Municipal Code of Chicago, Chapter 7- Animal Care and Control, 7-12-020 Definitions.
  [24] See City of Atlanta, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18. Sec.18-31.- Definitions; Sec.18-32.- Running at large; Sec.18-33.- Impounding livestock at large.
  [25]See DeKalb County, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5- Animals, Sec.5-5.- Animals at large.
  [26]See Georgia Code, Title 4- Animals, Chapter 8- Dogs Article 1- General Provisions, 4-8-6. Permitting dogs in heat to roam or run free.
  [27]See “Act to Prevent Dogs from Running At Large”, http://www.animallaw.com/Model-Law-Dog-Running.cfm, accessed August 30, 2017.
  [28]See Rebecca F. Wisch, “Table of State Dog Leash Laws”, https://www.animallaw.info/topic/table-state-dog-leash-laws, accessed August 20, 2017.
  [29]See 2010 Tennessee Code, Title 44- Animals And Animal Husbandry, Chapter 8- Fences and Confinement, Part 4- Running at Large, 44-8-401. Livestock not to run at large Punishment.;44-8-408. Dogs not allowed at large Exception Penalties.
  [30]See Municipal Code of Chicago, Chapter 7- Animal Care and Control, 7-12-030 Animals shall be restrained.
  [31]See City of Atlanta, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 142- Outdoor Events, Sec.142-59(a).在亚特兰大市户外节日活动中,参加人数预计5万人以上的,为A级;预计2万~4.9999万人之间的,为B级;预计1万~1.9999万人之间的,为C级;预计2千~9.999千人之间的,为D级;预计250~1999人之间的,或者私人财产上预计人数500~1999人的,为E级。公共财产中预计参加人数不足250人,私人财产上预计参加人数不足500人的,可以结合户外节日性质、活动地等,考虑确定为E级。
  [32]See Municipal Code of Chicago, Title10. Streets, Public Ways, Parks, Airports and Harbors, 10-36-020 Animals prohibited.
  [33]See City of Atlanta, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 106–Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Sec.106-52.- Evading payment of fare for transportation service; conduct on city’s streetcar transit system; penalties.或者See Decatur, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 70- Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Sec.70-26.- Certain acts prohibited in transit.
  [34]See “Step by Step Guide to Creating Dog Friendly Areas, Chicago City”,http://ward32.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Dog-Park-Instructions.pdf, accessed July 28, 2017.
  [35]See AKC, “Establishing a Dog Park in your Community”, https://images.akc.org/pdf/GLEG01.pdf, accessed July 23, 2017.
  [36]亚特兰大市被划分成25个邻里规划单元,它们是市民咨询机构,就市长和城市理事会有关城市分区规划、土地使用和其他规划问题事宜,做出评议。See “Neighborhood Planning Unit(NPU)”, https://www.atlantaga.gov/government/departments/planningcommunity-development/office-of-zoning-development/neighborhood-planning-unit-npu, accessed July 23, 2017.
  [37]See “City of Atlanta, Creating off Leash Dog Parks”, http://www.o4wbark.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/CityofAtlanta_CreatingOffLeashDogParks.pdf, accessed July 23, 2017.
  [38]参见表格“Registration form & Waiver”, http://www.beacondogpark.org/registration, accessed August 30, 2018.
  [39]See “Rules & Guidelines of the Beacon Dog Park, NY”, http://www.beacondogpark.org/rules, accessed July 23, 2017.
  [40]See Atlanta, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 110- Parks and Recreation, §110-70. Pets.
  [41]See City of Atlanta, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18. Animals, Sec.18-7.- Enclosures for keeping small animals.
  [42]See Oklahoma Statutes, Title 11. Cities and Towns. Chapter 1., 22-115.1. Dog kennel--Restriction of location near schools or day care facilities.
  [43]See Municipal Code of Chicago, Chapter 7- Animal Care and Control, 7-12-387 Restrictions on pigeons.;7-12-350 Dyeing baby chicks, other fowls or rabbits prohibited.
  [47]See Municipal Code of Chicago, Chapter 7- Animal Care and Control, 7-12-100 Excessive animal noise – Prohibited.
  [48]See City of Atlanta, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18. Animals§18-9. Removal of canine fecal matter.

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