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信息来源:《环球法律评论》2008年第6期 发布日期:2018-11-14


 [1]参见Z. A. Alqurashi, Indirect Expropriation in the Field of Petroleum, The Journal of World Investment&Trade, Vol.5, 2004,p.902。

[2]参见R. Dolzer&F. Bloch, Indirect Expropriation: Conceptual Realignments?, International Law FORUM du droit international,Volume 5,Number3,2003,p. 155。

[3]引自R. Dolzer, Indirect Expropriations: New Developments?, New York University Environmental Law Journal,Vol.11, 2002,p. 65。

[4]参见J. L. Gudofsky, Shedding Light on Article 1110 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Concerning Expropria-tions:An Environmental Case Study, Northwestern Journal of International Law&Business,Vol. 21,2000, p.259。

[5]详见V. Been&J. C. Beauvais, The Global Fifth Amendment? NAFTA’s Investment Protections and the Misguided Quest for an In-ternational “Regulatory Takings” Doctrine, New York University Law Review,Vol. 78,2003,pp.59-86。

[6]假设,在一块小面积用地上建一座高而窄的政府办公大楼,土地的市场价为100万美元,造价为1000万美元,总成本1100万美元;而在一块大面积用地上建一座低而宽的同样大楼,土地的市场价为300万美元,造价为900万美元,总成本1200万美元。从全社会角度来看,前一种选择是有效率的;但由于土地对政府是免费的,于是,政府就会选择后者。参见R. A. Posner,Economic Analysis of Law, CITIC Publishing House,2003,p.57。

[7]有关成本内化理论及反对意见,详见V. Been & J.C.Beauvais,前引文,第88-100页。


[9]有关公平理论及反对意见,详见V.Been, Does an International “Regulatory Taking?” , New York University Environmental Law Journal. Vol. l1,2002,pp.59-62。

[10]详见H. R. Fabri, The Approach Taken by the European Court of Human Rights to the Assessment of Compensation for“Regulatory Expropriations” of the Property of Foreign investors, New York University Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 11,2002,pp. 163-165;E. M. Freeman, Regulatory Expropriation under NAFTA Chapter 11:Some Lessons from the European Court of Human Rights, Co-lumbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol.42,2003,pp.199-200; G. H. Sampliner, Arbitration of Expropriation Cases under U.S. Investment Treaties-A Threat to Democracy or the Dog that Didn’t Bark, ICSID Review-Foreign Investment Law Journal, Vol. 18,2003,pp. 21-22。

[11]详见U. Kriebaum, Regulatory Takings: Balancing the Interests of the Investor and the State, The Journal of World Investment&Trade, Vol.8,2007 ,pp. 724-729。

[12]详见J. L. Gudofsky,前引文,第266 - 269页。

[13]参见L. Y. Fortier&S. L. Drymer, Indirect Expropriation in the Law of International Investment:I Know It When I See It, or Caveat Investor, ICSID Review-Foreign Investment Law Journal, Vol. 19,2004, p.309。

[14]参见K. A. Byrne, Regulatory Expropriation and State Intent, Annuaire Canadien de Droit International, 2000, pp.90-91,94。

[15]详见V. Heiskanen, The Doctrine of Indirect Expropriation in Light of the Practice of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Journal of World Investment&Trade. Vol.8,2007,pp. 215-231。


[17]详见U. Kriebaum,前引文,第733页。


[19]参见M. J. Radin, The Liberal Conception of Property: Cross Currents in the Jurisprudence of Takings, Columbia Law Review, Vol.88,1988,pp. 1674-1678。

[20]详见S. Fietta, Expropriation and the “Fair and Equitable” Standard—The Developing Role of Investors’“Expectation” in Interna-tional Investment Arbitration, Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 23,2006,pp. 375-376,378-385, 391-399。

[21]参见J. M. Wagner, International Investment, Expropriation and Environmental Protection, Golden Gate University Law Review, Vol.29, 1999, p.537。

[22]详见E. M. Freeman,前引文,第195-199页;H. R. Fabri,前引文,第158页。

[23]引自V. Lowe, Regulation or Expropriation?, Current Legal Problems, Vol. 55, 2002, p. 464。


[25]引自N. Horn & S. Kroll eds. , Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes, Kluwer Law International, 2004, p.146.

[26]详见A. S. Weiner, Indirect Expropriations:The Need foraTaxonomy of“Legitimate” Regulatory Purposes, International Law Fo-rum, Vol.5,No. 3,2003,pp. 172-175。

[27]参见M. Sornarajah, The International Law on Foreign Investment, 2nd ed.,Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 347。

[28]参见H. Sedigh, What Level of Host State Interference Amounts to a Taking under Contemporary International Law, The Journal of World Investment, Vol. 2,2001,p. 641。

[29]参见H. Mountfield, Regulatory Expropriations in Europe: The Approach of the European Court of Human Rights, New York University Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 11 ,2002 ,p. 146。

[30]详见U. Kriebaum,前引文,第719 -720、729-744页;J. J. Coe&N. Rubins, Regulatory Expropriation and the Teemed Case:Context and Contributions, in T. Weiler ed.,International Investment Law and Arbitration, Cameron May, 2005,p.619。

[31]参见N. Rubins&N. S. Kinsella, International Investment, Political Risk and Dispute Resolution: A Practitioner’sGuide, Oxford University Press,2005,p. 181;C. McLachlan QC,L. Shore&M. W einiger, International Investment Arbitration:Substantive Princi-ples, Oxford University Press, 2007,p. 332。

[32]详见P. E. Comeaux&N. S. Kinsella, Protecting Foreign Investment under International Law: Legal Aspects of Political Risk,Oceans, 1996, pp.86-87。

[33]详见T. W. Merrill, Incomplete Compensation for Takings, New York University Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 11,2002,pp.110-135。

[34]详见H. R. Fabri,前引文,第165-173页。

[35]参见OECD, International Investment Law: A Changing Landscape, Chapter 2, “Indirect Expropriation” and “Right to Regulate” in International Investment Law(prepared by C. Yannaca-Small),2005,pp.45,71-72。

[36]参见E. M. Freeman,前引文,第201-202页。

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