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信息来源:《政治与法律》2019年第1期 发布日期:2019-03-20












  [10]See Gillian E. Metzger, Embracing Administrative Common Law, 80 GEO. WASH. L. Rev.1293(2012).

  [11]See Allan Ashman, “Measuring the judicial rule-making power”, 59 Judicature 215(1976)., p.225.

  [12]See Colin S. Diver, “Policymaking Paradigms in Administrative Law”, 95 Harvard Law Review 393, 434(1981)., p.334.


  [14] Colin S. Diver, supra note 14, at 355.

  [15]See J. Albert Hutchinson, “Rule Making Function of California Administrative Agencies”, 15 Hastings L. J.272, 282(1964)., p.273.

  [16]See Eleanor D. Kinney, “Rule and Policy Making under Health Care Reform”, 47 Admin. L. Rev.403(1995)., p.404.

  [17]Ibid., at440.

  [18]See Bank of Italy Nat' I Trust & Sav. Assn' v. Johnson, 7 Cal. App.2d 463, 46P.2d 244(1935).

  [19]See Robert F. Fuquay, “Rule Making and Adjudication In Florida Administrative Law”, 9 U. Fla. L. Rev.260(1956)., p.265.




  [23]See Kenneth Culp Davis, Discretionary Justice: A Preliminary Inquiry, University of Illinois Press, 1971, p.56.

  [24]See Robert W. Ginnane, “‘Rule Making’, ‘Adjudication’ and Exemptions under the Administrative Procedure Act”, 95 U. Pa. L. Rev.621(1947)., p.631.


  [26]FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., 529 U. S.120(2000).

  [27]See Oleg Lichichan , “Rule-Making of the Federal Subjects of the Russian Federation: Constitutional Basis, Legislative Regulation and Practice”, 7 Slovenian L. Rev.105(2010)., p.110.

  [28]See Jerry L. Mashaw, Creating the Administrative Constitution: The Lost One Hundred Years of American Administrative Law, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012, pp.12-35.


  [30]See Bertrall L. Ross, “Denying Deference: Civil Rights and Judicial Resistance to Administrative Constitutionalism”, 2014 U. Chi. Legal F.223, 256(2014)., p.234.



  [33]See Werhan, K, “Delegalizing Administrative State”, 48 U. ill. L. Rev423(1996), p.434.


  [35]See Ana Raquel Gon觭alves Moniz, “The Rulemaking Power of Administrative Agencies: Crisis of Legality, Rule of Law and Democracy”, 1 Coimbra Business Review 36, 65(2015). p.60.



  [38]See Ana Raquel Gon觭alves Moniz, supra note35., p.37.

  [39]See American Power and Light Co.v. S. E. C., 329 U. S.90(1946); S. E. C. v. Chenery Corp., 318 U. S.80(1943).

  [40]See Ralph F. Fuchs “Development and Diversification in Administrative Rule Making”, 72 Nw. U. L. Rev.83(1978)., p.90.

  [41]See Anton P. Giedt, “Funds Available for Payment of Natural Resource Damages Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990”, https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/olc/opinions/1997/09/31/op-olc-v021-p0188.pdf, 2018年7月5日访问。





  [46]See Beau Breslin, From Words to Worlds: Exploring Constitutional Functionality, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008, p.121.

  [47]See Jacob E. Gersen & Eric A. Posner, “Soft Law: Lessons from Congressional Practice”, 61 Stan. L. Rev.573, 577(2008)., p.580.

  [48]See Anjali S. Dalal, “Shadow Administrative Constitutionalism and The Creation of Surveillance Culture”, 2014 Mich. St. L. Rev.59(2014)., p.60.

  [49]See Richard H. McAdams, “The Origin, Development, and Regulation of Norms”, 96 Mich. L. Rev.338, 350(1997)., p.340.

  [50]See Ana Raquel Gon觭alves Moniz, supra note35, at40.

  [51]See Emily S. Bremer, “The Unwritten Administrative Constitution”, 66 Fla. L. Rev.1215, 1221(2014)., p.1220.

  [52]29 U. S. C.§§621-634(2012).

  [53]See Ana Raquel Gon觭alves Moniz, supra note 35, at40.

  [54]See Bertrall L. Ross, “Embracing Administrative Constitutionalism”, 95 B. U. L. Rev.519(2015)., p.520.

  [55]See Bertrall L. Ross, supra note 30,at243.

  [56]See Ralph F. Fuchs, supra note 40, at90.


  [58]See Ralph F. Fuchs, supra note 40, at.84.

  [59]该说认为“行政制规权”源于宪法。 See Emily S. Bremer, supra note51, at1221.

  [60]See J. Albert Hutchinson, supra note 15, p.284.


  [62]See Louise Weinberg , “A General Theory of Governance: Due Process and Lawmaking Power”, 54 William & Mary Law Review1057, 1119(2013)., p.1058.

  [63]See Edward H. Ziegler, JR, “A Primer on Administrative Rules and Rule-Making in Kentucky”, 67 Ky. L. J.103(1978)., p.110.




  [67] See Robert F. Fuquay, supra note21, at270.


  [69]See Eleanor D. Kinney, supra note 18, at420.


  [71]See Jay Tidmarsh, “Resolving Cases‘On the Merits’”, 87 Denv. U. L. Rev.407, 407(2010)., p.409.


  [73]See Sheila Jasanoff, “Science and the Limits of Administrative Rule-Making: Lessons from the OSHA Cancer Policy”, 20 Osgoode Hall L.J.536, 553(1982), P.550.

  [74]See Gillian E. Metzger, “Administrative Constitutionalism”, 91 Tex. L. Rev.1897(2013), p.1900.



  [77]See Louise Weinberg, supra note62,at1077.

  [78]See Ralph F. Fuchs, supra40, at86.

  [79]See Robert F. Fuquay, “Rule Making and Adjudication in Florida Administrative Law”, 9 U. Fla. L. Rev.260(1956)., p.267.

  [80]See Kenneth Culp Davis, Administrative law text, West Pub. Co, 1972, p.126.

  [81]See Philadelphia Elec. Power Co.v. Federal Power Comm'n, 156 F.2d 648(3d Cir.1946); Brown Brockmeyer Co.v. Roach, 76 N. E.2d 79(Ohio 1947).

  [82]Hennessy v. Bischoff, 240 S. W.2d 71(Ky.1951).

  [83]529 S. W.2d 361(Ky.1975).

  [84]Colin S. Diver, supra note 12, at 440.



  [87]See Louis L. Jaffe, “An Essay on Delegation of Legislative Power: I”, 47 Colum. L. Rev.561, 592(1947)., p.562.




  [91] See Kenneth A. Bamberger, “Normative Canons in the Review of Administrative Policymaking”, 118 Yale L. J.64, 96(2008), p.91.



  [94]See Robert A. Anthony, “Interpretive Rules, Policy Statements, Guidances, Manuals, and the Like——Should Federal Agencies use Them to Bind the Public?”, 41 Duke Law Journal 1311(1992), p.1355.

  [95]See Jacob E. Gersen & Eric A. Posner, “Soft Law: Lessons from Congressional Practice”, 61 Stan. L. Rev.573, 577(2008), p.574.


  [97]See EJ Keefe, “Administrative Rule-Making and the Courts”, 8 Fordham L. Rev.303(1939), p.340.


  [99]See Lanctot Catherine J, “The‘Good Cause’ Exceptions: Danger to Notice and Comment Requirements Under the Administrative Procedure Act”, 68 Geo. L. J.765(1980), p.768.

  [100] See Eleanor D. Kinney, supra note 16, p.430.

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